Team Outdoor Roedovre

Team Outdoor Roedovre ist ein Team das aus verschiedenen spannenden Menschen besteht, die gemeinsam den Extremsport Adventure Race praktizieren. Adventure Race ist ein Sport wo die Teilnehmer laufen, auf MTB fahren, Kajak fahren und Rollschuhfahren, währenddessen sie jederzeit dafür sorgen müssen, den Kurs zu halten. Team Outdoor Roedovre praktiziert ihren Sport hauptsächlich draußen. Dies gilt […]

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Karabiner für’s Orbiloc Out Dual

Wir freuen uns, euch unser neuestes Befestigungsstück vorzustellen:  Der Orbiloc Karabiner. Bei der fortlaufenden Entwicklung unseres Sortiments und unserer Produktreihe, haben wir eine sehr nachgefragte Anbringungsart entwickelt, für ein schnelles und sicheres Befestigen im Outdoor Bereich. Der Karabiner kann für jedes Outdoor Abenteuer verwendet werden, und hat den Vorteil eine schnelle und doch sichere Verbindung […]

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Orbiloc - Indlandsisen

Orbiloc across the Inland ice

Erik B. Jørgensen is a former special force soldier, and a professional adventurer. On a daily basis, he is an author, speaker and guide on what he calls “Your Adventure”. On “Your Adventure” he makes ordinary peoples dreams about going on adventures come true, and takes them through extraordinary nature. Here they get a first-hand […]

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Orbiloc and BMX Bandits


Trail running, mountain biking, paddling, packrafting, abseiling and wilderness navigation. These are just some of the skills you need to be an Adventure Racer. The four members of the BMX Bandits Adventure Racing Team certainly have these skills down after years of outdoor experiences. Mixed with a tough training regime and their ‘never-give-up’ attitude, they […]

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The 2016 British Freediving Team

This team of six are the UK squad for the 2016 world championship team event, held in Kalamata, Greece this september 16-24th and they are here to break records! Freediving allows one to explore the fascinating deep, without the burden of heavy scuba equipment. It is said, that freediving gives a great sense of calmness […]

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Orbiloc Outdoor Dual

The Danish outdoor specialist and former soldier Erik B. Jørgensen has tested and reviewed the Orbiloc Outdoor Dual Safety Light on his Kayak trip to Sweden. You can see the full review and test of the Orbiloc Outdoor Dual Safety Light here. See the video review here:

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