Anne Bjerre Lauridsen
Anne has two lovely Icelandic Sheepdog – Gaia and Bliða. Bliða is an Icelandic name that means gentleness. Both dogs are approved visitation dogs through the Danish non-profit organization Trygfonden, and they use their skills to spread joy and laughter at the local nursing home. The dogs also work as therapy dogs at a Neurocenter, where they help brain damaged patients to rehabilitate their function and speech. Anne and her dogs live in the countryside, and have 1,5 km. to the nearest lamppost. They are therefore the perfect family to help test the Orbiloc Safety Light under extremely dark conditions. The dogs have their own facebook site, where you can follow their adventures: https://www.facebook.com/IshundenGaia

Icelandic Sheepdog
Approved Visitation Dog

Icelandic Sheepdog
Approved Visitation Dog