Orbiloc TWIN – the perfect Christmas gift idea for all dog owners

To many of us, Christmas is time for love and spending time with friends and family, where we show our appreciation for each other and get to spend time together. At the same time, it is the season where we pay extra attention to each other and look out for each other. Looking out for each other can mean a lot of things, but for the Danish company Orbiloc it means looking after each other in traffic after dark.

This year’s ideal Christmas present for everyone who loves nature and outdoor living – even after dark – is called TWIN©. Orbiloc TWIN is a package containing two safety lights. Anette Kristensen, Co-founder and Partner in Orbiloc, says:

We are now launching a Christmas present, where you get two lights in one package, because we want to highlight the importance of safety and visibility of both dog and owner. We know that dog owners are very aware of the visibility of their 4-legged friend – but also that sometimes they forget to take measure of their own visibility.”

The Orbiloc TWIN pack contains a red and a white safety light. The red colour is a universal signal for attention and therefore a colour which we automatically notice – and act according to – in traffic. The white colour is a colour we associate with headlights on cars and bicycles. Therefore, we connect white to the impression of something approaching us.

Orbiloc is a story of entrepreneurship rooted in Denmark. Based on the guiding principle of ”what safety brings” Orbiloc manufacturer LED safety lights of high quality, designed to allow outdoorsy people the freedom to engage in their interest, while being safe.

With the TWIN pack Orbiloc provides an easy and cheaper way to ensure that both you and your canine companion stay safe out there. The Orbiloc TWIN is also a perfect idea for horseback riders. In many countries you are as a horseback rider either obliged or encouraged to display lights after dark. The same goes for during the daytime when visibility is not optimal – just like bike riders.

Press Contact:
Anette Kristensen – marketing @ orbiloc.com
Mia Loft – some @ orbiloc.com

Download the Press Kit here (text in WORD and PDF and pictures in high resolution)

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