Autumn is nearby and this means that the cold months emerge and the temperatures are falling. Does the darkness stop you from running? Don’t be afraid! With a few good tips from our Orbiloc Safety Runners, you can run all winter season.
From: Line Kremmer, Cand.Scient. in sports with psychology as a minor,
Project coordinator for Stay Safe Runners
You are invisible until the opposite is proven
As it’s getting dark faster, a lot of runners reduce their number of training sessions and some are taking a break from running during the winter season. But why? One of the answers is that they feel unsafe when running in the dark. The unsafe feeling emerges from their poor eyesight outside in the dark and the thought, that others might not see them as they are running.
The unsafe feeling is increasing risks of injuries when running. When you are taking a run while you are feeling unsafe, your body will get tense, which will result in an unfortunate running technique that might cost injuries.
Instead of taking a break from running, you could make an effort to feel secure, by making yourself visible! As soon as you feel safe and visible in your surroundings you can concentrate on your running technique. You can focus on running naturally and relaxed with an optimal running technique. In that way get the most out of your training.
As a runner, you are exposed to traffic. Therefore you must always make yourself visible to other road users. Remember: “You are only invisible until the opposite is proven!”
One of our Orbiloc Safety Runners Ida points out that runners have a great responsibility for their own visibility near traffic:
“As a runner, we have a responsibility towards drivers and bikers but also towards other fellow runners. That a Safety Light is capable of preventing a collision or worst-case scenario an accident is thought-provoking – Therefore everybody should buckle on their Safety Lights! – Ida Hart, adidas Runners Copenhagen.
The type that likes to be seen
At Orbiloc we have a whole corps of running ambassadors like Ida – our so-called Orbiloc Safety Runner. What they have in common is that they never stop running. Also, every single one of them are those types of persons who want to be seen. 😉 Kathrine shares Ida’s attitude towards the responsibility a runner has towards being seen:
“Unfortunately I see a lot of runners, who are running outside in the dark without any lights. They are making other people around them responsible for their own visibility. It is important to make yourself visible near traffic – also as a runner – Kathrine Hoejgaard, adidas Runners Copenhagen.
Maybe your running-route is going through a city, where it is especially dangerous to run without any lights when it’s dark. Do as Maiken and plan your route through secure streets:
“When I am running I always plan to run through streets with streetlights and I also take the traffic into account. I feel especially exposed in the dark. Therefore I would like to bring awareness to the importance of runners visibility and their safety.” Maiken Cederlund, Amager Triathlon Club.
A lot of runners are running in the morning or late evening. Imagine that you are on your way out to take a run one early morning or after a long day at work and its dark outside. You are updated about the weather conditions and have dressed accordingly. You have put on your running shoes and have locked the door behind you. Your running-watch has found a GPS-signal and you are ready to start running. Now its time for you to consider whether you are the type that wants to be seen or not.
#Safetyfirst – are you as considerate as Mikkel?
Do you know a sort of person like Mikkel? A person who, with his own words, would rather look like a running Christmas tree than being hit by a car, and who would love to spread his words, because as he says:
“I am running all year and in all weathers. I value safety and I am always running with different forms of lights and reflectors. Also, I am that type of person who always tells people, who are not visible near traffic, about my opinion. Actually, I have already given my reflectors with lights to two other runners because I thought that it was irresponsible for them to run outside in the dark with nothing to make them visible. It sounds worse than it actually was. They were really happy about my response.” Mikkel Andresen, RUNAAR.
But why look like a Christmas tree when you can run with an Orbiloc Run Dual – a Danish produced high quality LED Safety Light with a minimalistic design that ensures your visibility towards others when running in the dark. With Orbiloc Run Dual you will be seen in the dark and should, therefore, have no problems with feeling safe near traffic. Orbiloc Run Dual is available in eight different colours, which each have their own meaning and qualities in different weathers. Pick a colour that suits your needs. Consider weather conditions and choose your favourite colour that fits your equipment. Maybe you are crazy about different gears and gadgets like Steffen:
“As a passionate runner, I have a huge urge to get new and nice gear. The price is not really relevant but the quality of the product is.” Steffen Feldbaek, Runners DK.
With an Orbiloc Safety Light, we guarantee that you will be visible, no matter what you base your decision on. Read more about the Safety Light and the different colours here.
Have a great run out there.
Follow us on Instagram: @StaySafeRunners
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